Which Generator Is Right for You?

Aug 15, 2019

Summer thunderstorms bring important rain to our area, and it’ll revitalize the soil and help flora grow. However, they also can lead to negative, power outages. In Winnipeg it means you might wind up lying in the dark, sweating without an AC, and consuming canned meals while $100 worth of food spoils inside the freezer. You do not want that, and we do not either! Therefore, here, the air conditioning repair Winnipeg services of Provincial Heating and Cooling offers some useful details to help you make an educated decision about purchasing a generator.

There are two kinds of generators:

Portable: As the power goes out, you must start up a gas-powered generator. They are simple to operate, yet you’ll need to connect it to either the household appliances you want powered or you will have to connect it to a subpanel.

Portable generators are the cheapest and easiest to operate as they do not involve an electrician setting it up to work. The disadvantage is you must run extension cords everywhere you need power and you are restricted to how many things it is possible to plug in at one time (the majority of generators have either four or two outlets). In addition, you must maintain and start the generator.

As it is started it is vital that you keep it away from all windows and doors that lead to your house. They generate carbon monoxide which may be fatal!

Standby: Such generators are powered by propane and natural gas and will automatically start as your main power source goes out. This kind of generator is the most expensive of the two.

A standby generator automatically turns on as the power goes out. You do not need to do anything. It’s the best choice if you frequently go without electricity and need to keep most or all of your appliances operating. The majority of standby back-up generators are powerful enough to operate kitchen appliances, a central AC, and additional large items all at the same time. They also are quieter than a portable generator, and you do not have to be concerned with storing gasoline or running cords. The downside is the hefty cost. You will have to have the generator, subpanel, and transfer switch installed professionally.

If your air conditioner is down and is need of repair, these generators will come in handy until you can get a professional to your home.

Have Your Air Conditioner System Repaired by A Pro!

Contact Provincial Heating and Cooling with confidence.  Our technicians are fully NATE-certified, insured, and licensed. The techs draw from extensive in-field experience and extensive industry resources and offer a network of support it’s possible to always rely on.  Whether you need emergency service or flexible scheduling, we’re on-call 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

If you reside in the Winnipeg area and have inquiries about your existing HVAC system, need an air conditioner tune-up, or just have concerns regarding your system, your friends at Provincial Heating and Cooling would like to help. Call us at (204) 339-4328 or book a session online.


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